Analysis of 3555 HIV-seropositive specimens, collected in Cameroon from 2002 to 2006, led to the identification of four HIV-1 group N infections based on differential seroreactivity to HIV env-derived peptides and proteins and confirmation by nucleic acid amplification. Group N prevalence continues to be low accounting for only 0.1% of HIV infections in Cameroon. Near full-length genomic sequences were obtained from viral RNA or proviral DNA by PCR amplification of overlapping fragments for three isolates, 06CM-U14296, 06CM-U14842, and 02CM-SJGddd. Two genome segments, partial pol and env-nef, were obtained from viral RNA for the fourth isolate, 02CM-TIM0217. With the four group N isolates identified in this study and group N sequences previously reported, eight near full-length and five partial genome sequences are now available. Despite genetic divergence from HIV-1 group M and O, all of the group N infections evaluated by five commercial HIV immunoassays were detected.