Cancer immunotherapy broadly includes active immunization, as in the use of cancer vaccines, passive immunization, such as the use of adoptive cell therapy and antibodies that modulate tumor function, and immunostimulation, using antibodies and small molecules to treat malignancy by activating or unleashing an endogenous immune response against tumor cells. Currently, >100 different monoclonal antibodies are in use or under evaluation for use as therapeutic agents in various malignancies. Active stimulation of the host's immune system holds promise for achieving durable remission of malignant disease and represents a nontoxic method of therapy if tumor-specific effector cells can be selectively targeted. However, no active-specific treatment strategy (i.e., a therapeutic cancer vaccine) has yet found its way into the clinical armamentarium, although several promising recent reports suggest that, for follicular lymphoma, prostate cancer, and melanoma, clinical benefit was shown for the first time in randomized trials with a vaccine approach. Here, we report on the key findings of the Third Tegernsee Conference on Immunotherapy of Cancer (Feldafing, Germany, July 2-4, 2009) and provide short commentaries on data presented at this meeting regarding the future role of cancer vaccines, recent developments in adoptive cellular therapy, ways to improve immunotherapeutic treatment modalities (e.g., by manipulating the tumor microenvironment), and some novel targeted therapies that are well advanced in clinical testing, all of which have implications for future oncology practice.