Objective: To report the results of breast ultrasonographically-guided fine needle aspirations and needle biopsies within the breast cancer screening program of L'Ariana state in Tunisia.
Material and methods: Our retrospective study include 143 patients, with mammographically detected lesions, which underwent a diagnostic percutanous ultrasonographically guided procedures. 57 patients underwent a fine needle aspiration, 25 underwent a needle biopsy and 61 patients underwent both procedures.
Results: Sensitivity and specificity of fine needle aspiration are of 84.2% and 98.5%. We report 13.5% of non contributive results. The needle biopsy have a sensitivity of 97.3% and a specificity of 100% with one false negative corresponding to an atypical ductal hyperplasia at the excisional biopsy.
Conclusion: Fine needle aspiration is a reliable method of accurately establishing a diagnosis. Needle biopsy is recommended for a preoperative lesion characterisation before adequate treatment.