Advantage of IFN-beta/alpha2b same-day administration for ribavirin-intolerant patients with chronic hepatitis C

Hepatol Res. 2010 Apr;40(4):261-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1872-034X.2009.00602.x. Epub 2010 Jan 11.


Aim: Although interferon (IFN)/ribavirin is the mainstream combination treatment for chronic hepatitis C in patients with a high viral load, ribavirin is problematic for women of childbearing age and patients with anemia. Therefore we needed to establish a new regimen without ribavirin.

Methods: We devised a new regimen (same-day beta/alpha2b) to administer IFN-beta and alpha2b on the same-day, and compared it with IFN-alpha2b alone and IFN-alpha2b plus ribavirin. The cases were 36 patients (26.1%) in whom ribavirin could not be used (young women, anemia, etc.) among 138 patients who underwent IFN treatment after ribavirin release.

Results: The percentages of patients withdrawing due to side-effects were 6.8%, 18.8% and 17.0% in the treatment with same-day beta/alpha2b, IFN-alpha2b alone and IFN-alpha2b plus ribavirin groups, respectively. In genotype 1b, the sustained viral response (SVR) was 28.6% (4/14), 13.6% (3/22) and 25.0% (8/32) with a high viral load, and 91.7% (11/12), 27.3% (3/11) and 57.1% (4/7) with a low viral load for the respective groups. According to a study on viral half-life during the early phase of IFN therapy, there was no difference among the regimens of same-day IFN-beta/alpha2b, beta alone, alpha2b alone and twice-daily treatment with IFN-beta. Same-day beta/alpha2b treatment showed a significantly higher SVR rate in moving type patients with a genotype 1b/high viral load.

Conclusions: Same-day beta/alpha2b treatment resulted in few cases where therapy was discontinued and showed a high SVR rate. This regimen is especially appropriate in cases where ribavirin has been deemed unsuitable.