Objectives: The aim of the present study is to investigate serum BDNF levels in older depressed patients as compared to healthy elderly controls.
Methods: Twenty-nine elderly subjects with major depression and 42 healthy older adults were enrolled to this study. All depressed patients were antidepressant-free for at least 1 month prior clinical and laboratorial assessments. Serum BDNF levels were determined by sandwich ELISA.
Results: BDNF levels were lower in elderly depressed patients as compared to controls (P=0.034). Patients with late-onset depression had the lowest BDNF level (median 478.5, interquartile range 373.5-740.9 pg/l) when compared to early-onset depression (median 620.7, interquartile range 366.1-971.9 pg/l) and healthy controls (median 711.3, interquartile range 534.7-1181.0 pg/l) (P<0.03).
Conclusions: Reduced serum BDNF level may be a state marker of late-life depression in non-medicated elderly patients. Our findings provide further evidences that reduced neurotrophic support may have an important role in the physiopathology of late-life depression.