Development of the hard-X-ray angle resolved X-ray photoemission spectrometer for laboratory use

Anal Sci. 2010;26(2):227-32. doi: 10.2116/analsci.26.227.


This article reports development of a practical laboratory hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HXPS) system by combining a focused monochromatic Cr K(alpha) X-ray source, a wide angle acceptance objective lens and a high kinetic energy electron analyzer. The Cr K(alpha) source consists of a Cr target, a 15 kV focused electron gun, and a compact bent crystal monochromator. The X-ray spot size is variable from 10 microm (1.25 W) to 200 microm (50 W). A wide acceptance angle objective lens is installed in front of a hemispherical analyzer. The total resolution of 0.53 eV was obtained by Au Fermi-edge measurements. Angle acceptance of +/-35 degrees with angle resolution of 0.5 degrees was achieved by measuring Au 3d(5/2) peak through a hemicylinder multi-slit on an Au thin strip, in angle resolution mode. As the examples, silicon based multilayer thin films were used for showing the possibilities of deeper (larger) detection depth with the designed system.