Diffusion is one of the most frequently used assumptions to explain dispersal. Diffusion models and in particular reaction-diffusion equations usually lead to solutions moving at constant speeds, too slow compared to observations. As early as 1899, Reid had found that the rate of spread of tree species migrating to northern environments at the beginning of the Holocene was too fast to be explained by diffusive dispersal. Rapid spreading is generally explained using long distance dispersal events, modelled through integro-differential equations (IDEs) with exponentially unbounded (EU) kernels, i.e. decaying slower than any exponential. We show here that classical reaction-diffusion models of the Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piskunov type can produce patterns of colonisation very similar to those of IDEs, if the initial population is EU at the beginning of the considered colonisation event. Many similarities between reaction-diffusion models with EU initial data and IDEs with EU kernels are found; in particular comparable accelerating rates of spread and flattening of the solutions. There was previously no systematic mathematical theory for such reaction-diffusion models with EU initial data. Yet, EU initial data can easily be understood as consequences of colonisation-retraction events and lead to fast spreading and accelerating rates of spread without the long distance hypothesis.