Objectives: Main duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs) of the pancreas include neoplasms with varying likelihood of progression to malignancy. The aim of this study was to investigate a natural course of main duct IPMNs with a lower likelihood of malignancy.
Methods: Twenty main duct IPMNs with a lower likelihood of malignancy, which was defined as mural nodule of less than 10 mm or no visualized mural nodule, and negative result of cytological examination of pancreatic juice, underwent regular ultrasound every 3 months. Special imaging examinations and additional pancreatic juice cytological examination were performed when necessary. Surgery was considered when a mural nodule enlarged to 10 mm or the cytological examination result indicated malignancy.
Results: During a mean of 70 months, 12 IPMNs (60%) did not progress and 6 (30%) progressed within a lower likelihood of malignancy. The remaining 2 IPMNs (10%) progressed to meet the criteria for resection, underwent surgery, and were demonstrated to be carcinomas.
Conclusions: Main duct IPMN with a lower likelihood of malignancy was divided into 2 subgroups: neoplasm that progressed and that which did not progress during its natural course. The former should be resected considering its malignant potential, whereas the latter may be managed nonsurgically as long as it stays unchanged.