The cytoarchitectural organization of the nervous system depends partly on extracellular serine proteases, including reelin. This 400K protein, which also exists as the N-terminally-derived 300K and 180K fragments, acts through binding to the lipoprotein receptors apolipoprotein E receptor 2 (ApoER2) and very low-density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR). Ceruloplasmin (CP), a multifunctional protein found in the circulation and also expressed on glial cells, was shown to bind to, and induce aggregation of neurons newly differentiated from P19 embryonic stem cells. This indicated a potential developmental role of CP in neuronal organization, possibly in relation with reelin and other extracellular serine proteases. Therefore, we analysed the effect of cell-impermeant, large spectrum, serine protease inhibitors on CP-induced neuroaggregation and studied reelin expression. Soybean trypsin inhibitor and aprotinin (SBTI+Apro) inhibited CP neuroaggregative action. Undifferentiated and neurally-differentiating cultures secreted the 400K reelin. The 180K fragment was present during and after differentiation whereas the 300K species was barely detectable. However, CP stimulated generation of the 300K in the differentiated neuronal cultures, and SBTI+Apro abolished this CP effect. Time course profiles and function-blocking antibody indicated that neuroaggregation does not depend on the generation of the 300K fragment or on reelin action. CP neuroaggregative action thus involves a pericellular serine protease, different from reelin. On the other hand, the CP stimulation of reelin cleavage is in line with a possible role of CP in nervous system development. Since P19 cells express ApoER2 and VLDLR, they can help understanding relationships existing between CP, reelin and intervening protease(s).
Copyright 2010 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.