Charge state breeding for the acceleration of radioactive ions at TRIUMF

Rev Sci Instrum. 2010 Feb;81(2):02A903. doi: 10.1063/1.3267844.


A 14.5 GHz electron cyclotron resonance ion source (PHOENIX from Pantechnik) has been set up at the Isotope Separation and ACceleration (ISAC) facility at TRIUMF for the charge state breeding of radioactive ions. After extensive testing and optimization on a test bench it has been moved on-line and put into operation. During a first test in 2008 a beam of (80)Rb(14+) was successfully created from (80)Rb(1+) and accelerated by the ISAC postaccelerator. Further tests with different stable and radioactive isotopes from the ISAC on-line sources and from a test source with stable Cs have been carried out. Until now an efficiency of 1.4% for (124)Cs(20+) has been obtained.