Importance of the field: Vascular delivery of several classes of therapeutic agents may benefit from carriage by red blood cells (RBC), for example, drugs that require delivery into phagocytic cells and those that must act within the vascular lumen. The fact that several protocols of infusion of RBC-encapsulated drugs are now being explored in patients illustrates a high biomedical importance for the field. AREAS COVERED BY THIS REVIEW: Two strategies for RBC drug delivery are discussed: encapsulation into isolated RBC ex vivo followed by infusion in compatible recipients and coupling therapeutics to the surface of RBC. Studies of pharmacokinetics and effects in animal models and in human studies of diverse therapeutic enzymes, antibiotics and other drugs encapsulated in RBC are described and critically analyzed. Coupling to RBC surface of compounds regulating immune response and complement, affinity ligands, polyethylene glycol alleviating immune response to donor RBC and fibrinolytic plasminogen activators are described. Also described is a new, translation-prone approach for RBC drug delivery by injection of therapeutics conjugated with fragments of antibodies providing safe anchoring of cargoes to circulating RBC, without need for ex vivo modification and infusion of RBC.
What the reader will gain: Readers will gain historical perspective, current status, challenges and perspectives of medical applications of RBC for drug delivery.
Take home message: RBC represent naturally designed carriers for intravascular drug delivery, characterized by unique longevity in the bloodstream, biocompatibility and safe physiological mechanisms for metabolism. New approaches for encapsulating drugs into RBC and coupling to RBC surface provide promising avenues for safe and widely useful improvement of drug delivery in the vascular system.