Aim: Observational study of all incident Tinea pedis cases, realised from 2001 to 2007 at the Dermatology Clinic of the University of Cagliari, Italy, which is the main reference centre for dermatologic diseases in central southern Sardinia.
Methods: All patients referred for foot inflammatory pathologies were included in the study. Samples of all clinically visible lesions were taken for mycological examination (20% KOH and culture). When lesions were absent samples were also taken from the IV inter-digital space of both feet to identify eventual sane carriers. Detailed anamneses investigated work, life habits, sports and predisposing conditions such as hyperhidrosis and previous pathologies of the feet.
Results: The study enrolled 1568 patients, of which 918 (510 male-408 female) presented clinical manifestations whereas other 650 (426 male-224 female) were asymptomatic. Tinea pedis was diagnosed in 232 (14.79%), 163 male-69 female aged between 11 and 78 years, all in the group with clinical manifestations. The identified dermatophytes were Trichophyton mentagrophytes 115 cases (49.56%), Trichophyton rubrum 110 cases (47.42%) and Epidermophyton floccosum 7 cases (3.08%). Mycological exams in patients without clinical signs were always negative for dermatophytes, while rare colonies of Candida albicans were identified in 3 cases (0.46%).
Conclusion: Tinea pedis represents a common public health problem, which occurs mainly in male ageing from 16 to 45 years, when working and leisure activities are at their maximum. The absence of dermatophytes identification in 650 asymptomatic patients suggests that the sane carrier condition is a very rare event.