Uterine hemorrhage is a major complication associated with abortion. There are various causes of postabortion uterine hemorrhage. The objective of this article is to estimate the efficacy of three-dimensional computed tomography (3D-CT) angiography in the diagnosis of this condition. We present 3 case reports of women with massive genital bleeding after abortion. 3D-CT angiography clearly demonstrated the 3-D features of the feeding artery, the draining vein, and the surrounding normal structures. The diagnosis in patient 1 was a uterine arteriovenous malformation, in patient 2 was a placental polyp mimicking a uterine arteriovenous malformation, and in patient 3 was a placental polyp. Patients were all successfully treated with uterine artery embolization or transcervical resection of the placental polyp. We conclude that 3D-CT angiography is useful for making a differential diagnosis and for preoperative planning in patients with postabortion uterine hemorrhage.
Copyright 2010 AAGL. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.