Background: Paederus dermatitis is an unusual form of contact dermatitis caused by pederine, a secretion of insects belonging to the genus Paederus. These insects are found worldwide, although the concentration is higher in tropical and subtropical areas. Diagnosis is based on the presence of typical clinical features (erythematobullous lesions of sudden onset with a stinging, burning sensation on exposed areas of the body) combined with a compatible epidemiological context. In West Africa, more particularly in Guinea-Conakry, paederus dermatitis is common at the end of the rainy season. Our aim is to define the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of this disease.
Patients and methods: Herein we report data from a series of cases of paederus dermatitis among French expatriates living in Guinea-Conakry and attending the sociomedical center of the French Embassy at Conakry between October 20 and December 12, 2008.
Results: Seventy-four patients with the disease were included in the study (age range: 2-66; sex-ratio: 1:1). Most presented one or two lesions, with 36% of lesions situated on the face and neck region. Three patients presented with oculoconjunctival involvement. Complete remission occurred spontaneously within 8 to 10 days in 90% of patients. Systemic antibiotic therapy was initiated in less than 3% of patients.
Conclusion: Preventive measures to repel the insects remain vital, in conjunction with curative methods (e.g. immediate cleansing of skin coming into contact with the irritant substance).
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