Objective of this study was to evaluate the actual helmet use on Austrian ski slopes depending on various factors as gender, age, and nationality, used type of gear, skiing ability and risk taking behaviour on slopes. In total, 63% of all observed subjects used ski helmets. However, significant differences have been found with regard to age, nationality, and skiing ability. While 78% of participants younger than 20 years used helmets, only 53% of those over 60 years were wearing ski helmets. Helmet use was significantly higher in locals compared to foreigners (75 vs. 52%) and in more skilled skiers compared to less skilled skiers (67 vs. 47%). No significant differences have been found with regard to gender, used type of gear, and risk taking behaviour. Thus, future helmet campaigns should also be aimed at older people, ski guest from other nations, and less skilled skiers.
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart, New York.