The study aimed to examine the tolerability of the combination of radiotherapy and tamoxifen and the effect on median and event free survival as well as collecting data on the use of steroids in this population. 31 patients with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, diagnosed on clinical and radiological criteria, were treated with high-dose oral tamoxifen (120 mg/m(2)/day) given concomitantly with standard dose radiotherapy (54 Gy in 1.8 Gy fractions over 6 weeks). Results Tamoxifen was well tolerated with no grade 3 or 4 CTC toxicity reported. At 1 year, the progression free and event free survival were 3.2% (95% CI: 0.2-14.1%), and at 6 months 19.4% (CI: 7.9% to 34.6%). The overall survival at 1 year was 16.1% (CI: 5.9-30.9%) with median survival 6.32 months. In this study, in which tamoxifen was used in conjunction with radiotherapy, progression free survival was shown to be less good when compared with historical data HR = 3.1 (CI: 1.7-5.7). There was no significant reduction in overall survival. The addition of high-dose tamoxifen, although well tolerated, confers no clinical benefit to patients treated with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma treated with standard radiotherapy.