Study objective: To compare magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the calf with venography for patients with suspected calf deep venous thrombophlebitis (DVT).
Design: Ten consecutive adult patients with suspected calf DVT received venography and, within 48 hours, MRI scans. The tests were reviewed blindly by two radiologists, and results of the tests were compared.
Setting: The emergency department of a large teaching hospital with an annual census of 60,000 patients.
Main results: All patients with negative venograms had no suggestion of DVT on MRI scan. Two of these patients had other significant demonstrable abnormalities. Four of the five patients with positive venograms had positive calf MRI scans. One patient with a venogram that was difficult to interpret had no DVT on MRI. A thigh DVT was seen on his venogram and was suggested by MRI findings.
Conclusion: MRI may replace ascending venography as the standard for diagnosis of calf DVT.