Background: Solitary bone cyst is rarely situated in facial bones.
Aim: We discuss clinical view, results of radiological examinations and differential histopathological diagnostics of cases.
Results: We present 3 cases of patients: 51 year old man with cyst in frontal sinus; 29 year old man and 46 year old woman--both with changes in bones of the orbit. In all the cases results of histopathological examinations were similar. Cystic-shape pieces of vascularizated connective tissue were observed. Multiple cracks filled with cholesterol, macrophages with hemosiderin and occasionally multinuclear cells were noticed.
Conclusions: Solitary bone cyst may be located in the periorbital bone, especially frontal. Excellent laryngological, optic and cosmetic results are results of the surgery. Suspicious of the solitary bone cyst is possible due to MR or CT imaging, but final diagnosis must be confirm by histological examination.