Up to 32 Landrace ear marginal tissue samples were used for establishing a fibroblast cell bank by the means of primary explantation and cryopreservation. Biological analysis suggested that the Population Doubling Time (PDT) of the cell line was approximately 24h. The diploid accounted for 97.2% of the whole population; isozyme analysis of Lactic Dehydrogenase (LDH) and Malic Dehydrogenase(MDH) disproved cross-contamination from other cell lines. The results of bacterium, fungus, virus and mycoplasma tests were all negative. The transfection rates of three fluorescent proteins were high, indicating that the exogenous genes could be effectively expressed in the cells. It had not only preserved the precious germplasm resource of the Landrace on the cell level but also provided valuable material for the researches of genomics, postgenomics, somatic cloning and so on.