A mouse-anti-human monoclonal antibody was produced by using the membrane proteins of human lung carcinoma cell line A549 as the immunogen to generate monoclonal antibodies against lung carcinoma with the use of hybridoma techniques. McAb4E7 was prepared successfully. To identify its antigen, proteomic technologies such as two-dimenstional electrophoresis, western blotting and mass spectrometry were employed. The targeting antigen of McAb4E7 expressed positive in human lung cancer cell lines A549 and human hepatocarcinoma cell line HepG2, moreover, the expression of the antigen was stronger in A549 cells. Finally, we obtained one positive protein in A549 cell line that has strong affinity and specificity for McAb4E7, which was identified to be ATP synthase beta subunit. We identified ATP synthase beta subunit as the targeting antigen of lung carcinoma special monoclonal antibody McAb4E7.