Mutations in the HIV-1 pol gene associated with resistance to antiretroviral drugs in therapy-naïve Hungarian individuals transmitted as primary infection by their foreign sexual partners originated from African, Asian and other European countries had been analyzed. Drug resistance genotyping of HIV RT and PR genes were performed where mutations of 72 codons - among them 64 specific resistance codons representing 6 nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTIs), 2 non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTIs) and 6 proteinase inhibitor (PRIs) drugs - had been analyzed by Truegene HIV-1 Genotyping kit and OpenGene Sequencing System. Viral variants harboring resistance mutations in the po l gene were detected in 14% of the subjects. The highest rate of resistance to a single class of inhibitors was detected towards PR inhibitors (12%), followed by NRTI (8%) and NNRTI (5%). On the contrary, 25% of viruses transmitted by homosexual activity contained mutations led to resistance to NNRT. Viruses from 11 percent of cases were resistant to 2 classes of inhibitors, and 7 percent to three classes of inhibitors. Based upon sequence data non-B subtypes and CRFs were detected in more than 71% of cases. HIV-1 C (10.7%), HIV-F1 (7.2%) and HIV-1 G (3.6%) were detected as the more frequent subtypes. Among the HIV-1 recombinant viruses CRF02_AG variants were found more frequently (28.5%) followed by CRF06_cpx (17.8%) indicating penetration of non-B subtypes and recombinant African variants into Hungary, which raises serious clinical and public health consequences.