Osteoporosis is a complex human disease that results in increased susceptibility to fragility fractures. It can be phenotypically characterized using several traits, including bone mineral density, bone size, bone strength, and bone turnover markers. The identification of gene variants that contribute to osteoporosis phenotypes, or responses to therapy, can eventually help individualize the prognosis, treatment, and prevention of fractures and their adverse outcomes. Our previously published reviews have comprehensively summarized the progress of molecular genetic studies of gene identification for osteoporosis and have covered the data available to the end of September 2007. This review represents our continuing efforts to summarize the important and representative findings published between October 2007 and November 2009. The topics covered include genetic association and linkage studies in humans, transgenic and knockout mouse models, as well as gene-expression microarray and proteomics studies. Major results are tabulated for comparison and ease of reference. Comments are made on the notable findings and representative studies for their potential influence and implications on our present understanding of the genetics of osteoporosis.