Background: Scientific experiments were conducted with drinking water kept in "ordinary, everyday-use" glasses (drinking tumblers) and the so-called "informed" glasses (drinking tumblers), a patent-protected product supposed to have an effect on the "structure, vitality and memory of water," for which the manufacturer claims to have a wide range of positive effects on the health of patients with chronic medical problems, especially a "revitalizing" effect on water and the body (blue informed glass), additional metabolic effects such as facilitating weight loss (green informed glass), and a stress-relieving action (red informed glass). According to the claims of the patent owner, a Slovenian inventor Vili Poznik, by the use of the "orgone methodology," various transcendental, vitalizing information is purportedly coded and inscribed into the glass; this action is additionally enforced by the addition of the "magic life" symbol--a specially designed energy condenser which, together with the selected information, is permanently introduced into the liquid contained in the glass. The process of selection and transfer of information is a production secret known only to the inventors of the original "hydronic technology" for the discovery of which they have been awarded numerous prizes at innovation fairs, among others, a gold medal and a Crystal Globe at INPEX XVI exhibition in Pittsburgh, PA, in 2000.
Research objectives: The aim of this research was to test the claims for informed glasses with respect to the bacteriocidal actions that have been claimed for these products.
Materials and methods: Given that the manufacturer attributes to the products produced by the "hydronic" technology--besides the effects on organoleptic properties of the drinking water consumed (which are subjective and liable to suggestion)--a broad bactericidal action against bacteria, yeasts, and molds but does not state a single scientific proof, the efficacy and bactericidal action of the products based on the hydronic technology were tested using standardized microbiological tests in a certified laboratory. Respecting the principle of a single-blinded test for each of 5 samples of each type of informed glass, the growth reduction factor (RF; difference log: colony forming unit per mL [cfu/mL] of control glass and log cfu/mL of each informed glass) was determined after arbitrarily set time intervals of 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 hours in spring water experimentally contaminated with standardized ATCC strains.
Results: While the blue informed glass produced statistically significant bacterocidal action on all strains of the bacteria tested under normal daylight conditions, this effect did not occur with the red and green informed glasses. In the other conditions (complete darkness and exposures to ultraviolet light), any effects noted were negligible.
Conclusions: The results indicate rather a possible photocatalytic action of a currently unknown and undeclared component, introduced accidentally or added intentionally during the manufacture of the glass, rather the action caused by the effects of applying "orgone technology."