Introduction: The supraorbital craniotomy was initially described as a minimally invasive means to target extra-axial lesions in the anterior cranial fossa and sellar/parasellar region. Since its initial description, various modifications have been described. We report our recent experience with this approach (and its modifications) for not only extra-axial but also intra-axial neoplastic pathology.
Methods: Based on patient pathology and anatomic considerations, one of two approaches was performed: supraorbital craniotomy through an eyebrow incision or a combined orbital osteotomy and supraorbital craniotomy through an eyelid incision.
Results: This technique was performed on twenty-eight consecutive patients. Intra-axial pathology ranged from anaplastic astrocytoma to metastasis while extra-axial lesions included meningiomas and skull-based metastases. Excellent lesion resection was achieved in the majority of patients. Complications were infection (2 patients) and CSF leak.
Discussion: The supraorbital craniotomy and its modifications provide an ideal anterior subfrontal approach through which a wide variety of pathology can be approached. This technique has particular considerations in comparison to traditional cranial base approaches that must be taken into account before it is utilized.
(c) Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart . New York.