Conclusions: Eight aspects of self-reported positive experience in Ménière's disorder were identified, of which 'Perspectives on one's disease' can predict the impact of the condition.
Objectives: To determine the types of positive experiences related to attitudes and expectations and their relationship to the impact of Ménière's disorder on the individuals' lives.
Methods: A postal survey of the members of the Finnish Ménière's Association including a structured questionnaire on positive experiences that have been reported by people with Ménière's disorder.
Results: Eight positive factors were derived, explaining 59% of the total variance. The main factors were 'Personal development', 'Patient Association', 'Perspective on one's disease', Acceptance of limitations', 'Beneficial life-effects' and 'Use condition to self-advantage'. Of these only 'Perspective on one's disease' related significantly to measures of the impact of the condition.