This work is a thorough investigation on the major operating parameters of the programmable temperature vaporization (PTV) inlet used for gas chromatographic injection, including injection mode and volume, inlet temperature, vent and purge flow rates. The results clearly demonstrate the advantage of large volume injection in enhancing the detection of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). Partial loss of injected PBDEs occurred during solvent venting and due to incomplete sample transfer. Such loss was minimized by lowering the initial inlet temperature and vent flow and elevating the final inlet temperature. The results show that 50 mL/min vent flow, as low as 0 degrees C initial and higher than 300 degrees C final inlet temperatures produced the relatively high responses. Two mass spectrometric parameters were also evaluated. Indoor dust, lake sediment and human placenta tissue samples were analyzed to demonstrate reliability and sensitivity improvement of the PTV large volume injection.