The results of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) implemented for the detection of gamma interferon (gamma interferon) production in cattle vaccinated with Brucella abortus strain RB51 are presented. A purified protein fraction derived from RB51 (RB51 brucellin) has been used as antigenic stimulus for whole blood. The test was evaluated for 300 days in ten heifers vaccinated at calfhood with 10 x 10(9) colony-forming units of RB51 and in five control heifers. All animals came from officially brucellosis-free herds. Vaccinated animals started to give positive results from day 17 post vaccination (pv) until day 239 pv. All vaccinated animals gave a positive reaction at least once (with a stimulation index exceeding 2.5). Nevertheless, if sampling on day 20 pv is excluded (90% of vaccinated animals gave positive results), the sensitivity of the test varies from 20% to 70%, with a 40% average. A stimulation index over 2.5 was also recorded in three control animals. The results suggest that the gamma-interferon test is not suitable for the detection of cattle vaccinated with RB51, either at the individual or at the herd level.