The study aimed to construct a questionnaire for COPD specific anxiety. Anxiety is a prevalent comorbid complication in COPD; however, assessment has focused on anxiety questionnaires in general and not on COPD related fears. Ninety-six patients with COPD (GOLD III/IV) participated in the study. Results of a principal component analysis with Varimax-rotation suggested 5 factors, jointly explaining 64.7% of variance. These factors depict: fear of social isolation, dyspnea related fear, fear of movement, fear of progression of disease, anxiety in relationships, and fear of LTOT. Satisfying internal consistencies (a=0.77-0.89) resulted for all factors. Validity analyses confirmed discriminant and convergent associations, as well as correlations with functional tests. Overall, the COPD-Anxiety-Questionnaire constitutes a reliable and valid measure to assess COPD-related fears. Moreover, it enables the early identification of COPD patients suffering from disease related anxiety.
© J. A. Barth Verlag in Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.