The degeneration of nigral dopaminergic (DA-) neurons is the histopathologic hallmark of Parkinson's disease (PD), but not all nigral DA-cells show the same susceptibility to degeneration. This starts in DA-cells in the ventrolateral and caudal regions of the susbtantia nigra (SN) and progresses to DA-cells in the dorsomedial and rostral regions of the SN and the ventral tegmental area, where many neurons remain intact until the final stages of the disease. This fact indicates a relationship between the topographic distribution of midbrain DA-cells and their differential vulnerability, and the possibility that this differential vulnerability is associated with phenotypic differences between different subpopulations of nigral DA-cells. Studies carried out during the last two decades have contributed to establishing the existence of different compartments of nigral DA-cells according to their neurochemical profile, and a possible relationship between the expression of some factors and the relative vulnerability or resistance of DA-cell subpopulations to degeneration. These aspects are reviewed and discussed here.