Aim: To analyse clinical et biological pecularities of Polycystics Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) patients enrolled on ICSI cycles and compare them to normo-ovulatory women.
Methods: 100 controlled ovarian stimulation cycles for ICSI in women with PCOS and 200 cycles in normo-ovulatory women.
Results: There was no significant difference in term of cancellation rate (5.5% in PCOS group vs 5%; NS). The mean number of follicles was higher in patients with PCOS (18.1 +/- 8.5 vs 9.4 +/- 5.5; p < 0.05). Oocyte mature rate and fertilization rate were higher in PCOS group (67% vs 52%; p < 0.05) (75% vs 63.7%; p < 0.05) respectively. Grade 1 embryo rate was significantly higher in PCOS group (69% vs 53%; p < 0.05). Implantation rate (16.6% vs 12.1%; NS) and clinical pregnancy rate per transfer (31.5% vs 22.2%; NS) did not differ statistically in the two groups. Miscarriage rate was higher in PCOS group but this did not reach the statistical significance (20% vs 7.1%; NS). 11 cases of Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome occurred in PCOS group versus 4 on normo-ovulatory group.
Conclusion: Use of ICSI as fertilization technique was correlated with good biologic parameters on PCOS patients with better fertilization rate and embryo quality and similar pregnancy rate comparing to normo-ovulatory women. However, it still be great concern about high risk of miscarriages and Hyperstimulation ovarian syndrome.