The objective of this study was to elucidate the effects of density dependence on the individual size variation of brown trout (Salmo trutta) juveniles. Recruitment (the abundance of the youngest juveniles in May when they were 2 months old); the mean size attained by those individuals in September (6 months old) and the corresponding size variability around the mean size quantified with the coefficient of variation (CV) were examined in 22 year-classes at seven sites of two contrasting tributaries of the Rio Esva drainage (north-western Spain). Both mean size and CV tended to be site-specific but density dependence in the form of recruitment dependence affected both mean size and CV: the mean size depicted negative power relationships with increased recruitment whereas the CV increased positively with increased recruitment. However, this pattern differed among sites. At two out of seven sites, there was no obvious relationship between the mean size and recruitment. The CV increased positively with increased recruitment at all sites, although at several sites the CV described linear relationships and at others described power relationships. As a consequence, the stronger effects of density dependence on mean size occurred at low densities with minor effects at high densities, whereas density dependence operated on CV with continuous effects within the whole range of recruitment variation except at several sites where lower effects occurred at high densities. Thus, the occurrence, shape and intensity of competitive interactions underlying density dependence as a major cause of size variation differed across temporal and spatial scales.