Background: As the tumor spreads through the pathway of least resistance, the present study was carried out to evaluate the presence of perineural infiltration and spread of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) along the perineural spaces in gingivobuccal sulcus tumors infiltrating into the mandible.
Aims and objectives: (1) To investigate the incidence of perineural invasion of OSCC along the inferior alveolar nerve and (2) to investigate the neurovascular bundle as a potential route of spread of OSCC.
Materials and methods: Twenty-six patients with histopathologically proven OSCC of the gingivobuccal sulcus with radiographic infiltration of the mandible were included. The surgical specimens were decalcified and serially sectioned. Each section was stained with hematoxylin and eosin and was screened for the presence of perineural invasion and spread. Results : Twenty-five specimens showed perineural infiltration but none of the cases showed perineural spread along the inferior alveolar canal. Also, not all cases showed any neurologic deficit. Follow-up of these cases showed early recurrence (6-8 months) in the study group.
Conclusion: Perineural infiltration is present in OSCC but perineural spread along the inferior alveolar canal is absent. It is a bad prognostic indicator.