Rationale and objectives: Catheter ablation of the cavotricuspid isthmus (CTI) is an effective treatment of right atrial flutter. The objective of this study was to evaluate the changes in CTI length and right atrial (RA) function after radiofrequency ablation of isthmus-dependent atrial flutter (isthmus ablation).
Materials and methods: Magnetic resonance imaging was obtained in 14 patients (2 female, mean age 59 +/- 9) before and after isthmus ablation (mean delay 80 +/- 175 days) using steady-state free precession cine magnetic resonance imaging in right anterior oblique view orientation. Right atrial function (maximum/minimum right atrial volumes, stroke volume, ejection fraction) and maximum/minimum length of the CTI were measured.
Results: After isthmus ablation, maximum RA volume decreased by 13% (P = .02) and minimum RA volume by 22% (P = .01), whereas stroke volume and ejection fraction did not increase significantly (P = .4 and .2, respectively). After ablation, the maximum length of the CTI showed a significant decrease of 19% (P < .001) and the minimum length a decrease of 24% (P < .001). A linear correlation between change in CTI length and number of energy applications during ablation could not be observed (r = .605, P = .22 for minimum length; r = .384, P = .18 for maximum length). After eliminating the outliers in the number of energy applications, a significant correlation between energy applications and change in CTI systolic length was found (r = .808, P = .008).
Conclusion: Magnetic resonance imaging to visualize right atrial size and function in right anterior oblique orientation was successfully performed and easy to evaluate for volumetric analysis and determination of CTI length. Scarring of the CTI with the use of catheter ablation leads to a significant and linear decrease in its length and to a subsequent reduction of right atrial volumes, whereas functional parameters such as stroke volume/ejection fraction did not change significantly.
2010 AUR. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.