Vaccination with neem leaf glycoprotein matured carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) pulsed dendritic cells (DCs) enhances antigen-specific humoral and cellular immunity against CEA and restricts the growth of CEA(+) murine tumors. NLGP helps better CEA uptake, processing and presentation to T/B cells. This vaccination (DCNLGPCEA) elicits mitogen induced and CEA specific T cell proliferation, IFN gamma secretion and induces specific cytotoxic reactions to CEA(+) colon tumor cells. In addition to T cell response, DCNLGPCEA vaccine generates anti-CEA antibody response, which is principally IgG2a in nature. This antibody participates in cytotoxicity of CEA(+) cells in antibody-dependent manner. This strong anti-CEA cellular and humoral immunity protects mice from tumor development and these mice remained tumor free following second tumor inoculation, indicating generation of effector memory response. Evaluation of underlying mechanism suggests vaccination generates strong CEA specific CTL and antibody response that can completely prevent the tumor growth following adoptive transfer. In support, significant upregulation of CD44 on the surface of lymphocytes from DCNLGPCEA immunized mice was noticed with a substantial reduction in L-selectin (CD62L).
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