Objectives: Intralesional injection therapy with OK-432 was developed as a therapy for operatively difficult lymphangioma (cystic hygroma) and is currently becoming a first-choice treatment for this disease. The aim of this article was to evaluate the outcome and complications of the treatment of patients with auricular hematoma by OK-432 therapy.
Study design: Case series with planned data collection.
Setting: Yamagata University School of Medicine.
Subjects and methods: We tried this therapy in 21 patients with auricular hematoma between January 2001 and February 2009. We injected OK-432 solution into the lesion with a 27-gauge needle to prevent the leak of the agent out of the hematoma. We performed this treatment on an outpatient basis without hospitalization.
Results: Disappearance or marked reduction of the lesion were observed in all patients who had this therapy, and local scarring and deformity of the auricle did not occur in any patients. As for side effects, local pain at the injection site and fever (37 degrees C-38 degrees C) were observed in a few of the patients who had this therapy, but such problems resolved within a few days.
Conclusion: These results may allow us to speculate that intralesional injection therapy with OK-432 is simple, easy, safe, and effective and can be used as a substitute for surgery in the treatment of auricular hematoma.
Copyright 2010 American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.