The aim of this paper was the evaluation of clinical characteristics, demographics and therapeutic response for oseltamivir, among patients with swine flu confirmed, hospitalized in the Hospital For Infectious Diseases in Warsaw, Poland.
Material: We have observed infection A/H1N1 occurrence in 109 patients (Female-64, Male-45, aged 17-71 y), hospitalized between August and December 2009. The influenza specific test PCR (TaqMan A/H1N1) were used to pandemic flu confirmation.
Results: Out of 109 analyzed patients, 67% were young, before 40 y. old. The largest infected group were patients between 20 and 29 years. Among multiple acute symptoms we observed high temperature, cough, myalgia and neurological manifestations, very frequent. In 42 patients (38%) the interstitial pneumonia were observed. Eight patients developed severe respiratory insufficiencies -ARDS (7%) and one died. We observed also 10 infections A/H1N1 influenza during pregnancy, with good oseltamivir tolerance and without recent perinathal complications.
Conclusions: Among 109 individuals with swine flu influenza, 67% have not complicated clinical manifestation and they recovered during 3-4 days. Eight patients developed ARDS and one of them died. Test PCR for influenza A/H1N1 was the basis in diagnostics procedures of the new pandemic influenza confirmation. Oseltamivir safety and tolerability were verified in patients with new variant infection A/H1N1.