Contraction and energy metabolism are functions of skeletal muscles co-regulated by still largely unknown signals. To help elucidating these interconnecting pathways, we are developing new cellular models that will allow to control the switch from a neonatal to an adult slow-oxidative or fast-glycolytic phenotype of myofibers, during in vitro differentiation. Thus, our purpose was to direct the differentiation of the newly characterized WTt clone, from a mixed towards either fast or slow phenotype, by modifying amounts of two transcription factors respectively involved in control of glycolytic and oxidative energy metabolism, namely HIF-1alpha and PPARdelta. Our data support the idea that HIF-1alpha protein stabilization would favor expression of fast phenotypic markers, accompanied or not by a decreased expression of slow markers, depending on treatment conditions. Conversely, PPARdelta over-expression appears to enhance the slow-oxidative phenotype of WTt myotubes. Furthermore, we have observed that expression of PGC-1alpha, a coregulator of PPAR, is also modified in this cell line upon conditions that stabilize HIF-1alpha protein. This observation points to the existence of a regulatory link between pathways controlled by the two transcription factors HIF-1alpha and PPARdelta. Therefore, these cells should be useful to analyze the balance between oxidative and glycolytic energy production as a function of phenotypic transitions occurring during myogenic maturation. The newly characterized murine WTt clone will be a good tool to investigate molecular mechanisms implicating HIF-1alpha and PPARdelta in the coordinated metabolic and contractile regulations involved in myogenesis.
(c) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.