Description of a new cestode species Vampirolepis insula sp. n. parasitizing Ambliotus nilssonni (Keyserling et Blasius, 1839 and Plecotus auritus Linnaeus, 1758 from the islands Sakhalin and Kunashir is given. The new species is closely related to the species group within the genus Vampirolepis having 30 rostellar hooks 0.020-0.022 mm length with the blades shorter than guard. The group includes V. balsaci (Joyeux et Baer, 1934) Spassky, 1954, Sawada, 1974 and V. ozensis Sawada, 1974. The main differential character of the new species is the position of genital pores on the left side of proglottides. Moreover, the new species differs from V. balsaci and V. ozensis by almost twice larger size ofscolex, suckers, and rostellum. Vampirolepis insula sp. n. also differs from V. ogaensis and V ozensis by a larger size of ovary and vitelline gland.