The most frequent extraarticular manifestation in spondyloarthropathies (SpA) is eye involvement, which is found in 30%-50% of patients. HLA B27 positive patients in particular--mostly those in the subgroup with ankylosing spondylitis--are affected. Prevalence of uveitis increases with duration of disease. Typical eye involvement is sudden-onset unilateral anterior uveitis (iridocyclitis). Most cases respond well to topical corticosteroids. Frequently relapsing or chronic cases may require oral corticosteroids in addition to classical immunosuppressive drugs and, to an increasing extent, also TNF-alpha inhibitors. In the case of the latter, monoclonal antibodies are preferred over receptor antagonists. Acute anterior uveitis may occur as a minimal variation or initial symptom of SpA. These patients should also be seen by a rheumatologist since undiagnosed SpA may be present in a significant percentage and should be included in therapeutic considerations.