This case report is focused on the possibility of treating atrophic ridge with a reduced number of surgical procedures and a reduced healing time. A 43-year-old female patient affected by edentulism associated with horizontal resorption of the ridge was treated by means of a sagittal osteotomy and expansion of the ridge with the new modified edentulous ridge expansion (MERE) technique to obtain a wider bony base for ideal implant placement. In the same procedure 2 implants were placed and connective tissue graft, covering the bony wound, was placed to achieve keratinized mucosa. The implants were placed immediately after the split crest of the ridge and covered by a connective tissue graft. Postoperative recovery was uneventful. Within the limits of this case report, the MERE technique appeared to be reliable and simple, and it reduced morbidity compared with other techniques such as autogenous bone grafts and guided bone regeneration.