Codling moth Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera, Olethreutidae) is the most serious pest of orchards, and one of the most important quarantine pests in China. This paper studied the effects of the color, shape, placement location, lure color, and lure number of sex pheromone traps on the capture efficacy for C. pomonella L. male moth. It was found that the capture efficacy of white and green traps was two times higher than that of blue trap (P < 0.05), and water bottle and triangle traps had no significant difference in their trapping effect. The traps hung in the middle of crown gave two times higher catches than those hung in the upper portion of crown (P < 0.05). Lure color and number had no significant effect on the capture efficacy. The present results could be used in better monitoring C. pomonella by using its sex pheromones.