To present a rare case of spontaneous ectopic pregnancy in a non-communicating heterotopic fallopian tube associated with unicornuate uterus without a rudimentary horn. Case report.
Setting: Tertiary referral obstetrics and gynecology center.
Patient: A 36-year-old woman in her fourth pregnancy (para 1, abortus 2) presented at 5th gestational week with severe abdominal pain and circulatory instability.
Intervention: Heterotopic fallopian tube removal by laparotomy. Investigation of the origin of the spontaneous heterotopic fallopian tube pregnancy and exploration of the gross structural development of the urinary system. Spontaneous ectopic pregnancy in a non-communicating heterotopic fallopian tube coexisting with corpus luteum in the contralateral ovary supports the hypothesis of transperitoneal migration of gametes or embryos.