This study evaluated the impact of socio-economic and lifestyle changes on nutrient loads and water quality in Haapsalu Bay, the Baltic Sea between 1995-1996 and 2003-2004. Monthly monitoring data of water quality in four rivers discharging to the bay and seawater at five sea stations were used. External input of TN to the bay remained almost unchanged during the study period despite of the somewhat higher riverine load that was explained by intensified agriculture. The TP input decreased by approximately 45% due to the decrease in river and point source loads. Point sources contribute about one-third of the P load to the bay. An overall decreasing gradient from the rivers to the mouth of the bay was observed both for TP and TN concentrations indicating probable removal of these elements from the water column along the east-west transect. In order to keep the TN/TP ratio within the range that suppresses eutrophication in the bay, further efforts must be implemented to reduce point source phosphorus load.