A solitary cysticercus granuloma is a benign form of neurocysticercosis. Several reports have suggested albendazole is effective in early resolution of these lesions. A short duration (7 days) albendazole therapy has been found to be effective in treatment. In this study, we evaluated a "three day course" of albendazole in a prospective randomized double- blind trial. Sixty-seven consecutive patients who presented with new-onset seizures and a solitary cysticercus granuloma were randomly allocated to receive either albendazole (15 mg/kg/day for 3 days) or placebo. All patients were treated with antiepileptic drugs. Patients were followed up for 6 months. A repeat CT of the brain was obtained at the end of 6 months of follow-up. The end points were complete resolution of the lesion on CT scan and total seizure control at 6 months follow-up. In the albendazole group complete resolution of lesions was noted in 28 of 33 patients (84.8%), while in the control group only 14 of 34 patients (41.2%) had complete resolution of the lesion (p = 0.001). Partial resolution of lesion was seen in 2 patients (6%) in the albendazole group and 4 patients (11.8%) in the control group (p = 0.06). The lesion remained unchanged in 9 cases (26.5%) in the control group only. The lesion became calcified in 7 (20.6%) and 3 (9.1%) patients in the control and albendazole groups, respectively (p = 0.187). Seizure recurrence occurred in 3 patients (9.1%) in the albendazole and 1 patient (2.9%) in the control group (p = 0.239). The three days course of albendazole was effective in resolving lesions, but there was no significant difference in seizure recurrence rates between the two treatment groups.