There are no data available on cancer incidence pattern in rural Delhi. This is the first report on cancer incidence among Delhi Rural population during 2004-05 which gives the first hand information on cancer incidence. The data for this report has been collected by Delhi Population based cancer registry. The sources for cancer registration are more than 162 Government Hospitals/centers and 250 private hospitals and nursing homes. A total of 594 cancer cases with 317 males and 277 females were registered during the period 1st January 2004 to 31st December 2005. The age adjusted (world population) incidence rates for all sites were 55.2 per 100,000 for males and 47.7 per 100,000 for females. The leading sites of cancer among Delhi Rural males was oral cavity (ASR: 8.0 per 100000) followed by lung (ASR: 6.5), larynx (ASR: 4.0) and bladder (ASR: 4.1). In females cervix uteri (ASR: 10.3 per 100,000) was the most common site of cancer followed by breast (ASR: 7.8), gallbladder (ASR: 3.5) and ovary (ASR: 3.3). The overall incidence rates of cancer in Delhi Rural were comparatively very less than Delhi Urban. A statistically significant difference was also found between Delhi Rural and Delhi Urban in incidence rates (ASR) for first four common sites. The rates in Delhi Rural are also comparatively lower than other rural registries situated in India.