ES (embryonic stem)-derived cells have been investigated in many animal models of severe injury and degenerative disease. However, few studies have examined the ability of ES-derived cells to improve functional outcome following partially damaged breast and also the modification of mammary tissue to produce costly proteins. This study investigates the feasibility of implanting mES-dK (mouse ES-derived keratinocytes-like) cells stably transfected with a mammary gland special expression vector for the PBD-1 (porcine beta-defensin 1) in developing mammary glands. Our aim was to assess the ability of cell grafting to improve functional outcome following partial damage of the breast, also on the breast modification mammary tissue in mice for the production of PBD-1 protein secreted in the milk. Our results showed that the ratios of the surviving cells labelled with the myoepithelial or luminal cell markers, EMA (epithelial membrane antigen) and CALLA, were 41.7 +/- 15.2% and 28.4 +/- 9.6%, respectively, which revealed that transplanted mES-dK cells survived, integrated in vivo and differentiated into myoepithelial or luminal cells. In addition, Western blot analysis showed that 37.5% (3 out of 8) female transplanted mice had PBD-1 expression in their milk and reached 0.4998, 0.5229 and 0.5195 microg/ml, respectively.