Occurrence of peritumoral brain edema (PBE) in meningiomas has been associated with several factors in recent years, although its pathophysiological mechanism has not yet been fully elucidated. The aim of this study was to analyze the correlation between the presence / degree of PBE and factors such as gender, age, size and histological subtype of tumor. We analyzed the MRI images of 74 patients operated on Hospital Beneficência Portuguesa de Porto Alegre for the presence / degree of PBE and data was statistically correlated with the parameters of the patient. PBE was present in 70.1% of patients. Tumors with higher volume had more PBE. Tumors of the olfactory groove showed more PBE than sphenoid wing and parassagittal tumors. Transitional subtype showed more PBE than fibroblastic and meningothelial subtypes.