Adaptive antiseptic potential of patients subjected to adenomectomy was quantified by measurement of protein synthesis according to the rate of 3H-thymidine inclusion into leukocytic DNA before and 4 hours after intravenous administration of 0.2 mg/kg prednisolone. In healthy controls this rate, when stimulated by prednisolone, rose 2.18 +/- 0.3-fold whereas in patients the rise did not exceed 1.07 +/- 0.07-fold. One-week administrations of adaptogens increased the latter rate 1.27-2.61-fold leading to less frequent infectious complications. A randomized trial of 118 patients involving the comparison of three different variants of adaptogens treatment against the control revealed the most favourable regimen: 0.15 U/kg im insulin, 0.1 mg/kg prednisolone, 0.2 mg/kg dibazol, 250 mg/kg methyluracil daily for 1 week preoperatively.