Hypothermia is a common occurrence under anaesthesia and may prolong the duration of action of neuromuscular blockade. By limiting fall in temperature, an infusion of amino acid enriched solution may speed the recovery from neuromuscular blockade. We studied 60 ASA Grade - I/II patients of aged between 20 to 60 years scheduled for elective surgery under general anaesthesia. The patients were randomly divided into four groups to receive amino acid infusion with vecuronium bromide AV, normal saline with vecuronium bromide(CV), amino acid with atracurium besylate(A-At) and normal saline with atracurium besylate(C-At). Although there was a significantly lesser decrease in the core temperature from the baseline in all the patients receiving amino acid infusion (p<0.05), it significantly reduced the time to 25% recovery from the time of injection of vecuronium only. (60.59 +/- 11.39 in CV vs 51 +/- 14.72 min in AV) (P < 0.05), and not for atracurium.
Keywords: Amino acids; Atracurium besylate; Neuromuscular block; Temperature; Vecuronium bromide.