Transglutaminase 2 (TGase2) is a calcium-dependent, cross-linking enzyme that catalyzes iso-peptide bond formation between peptide-bound lysine and glutamine residues. TGase 2 can activate NF-kappaB through the polymerization-mediated depletion of I-kappaBalpha without IKK activation. This NF-kappaB activation mechanism is associated with drug resistance in cancer cells. However, the polymers cannot be detected in cells, while TGase 2 over-expression depletes free I-kappaBalpha, which raises the question of how the polymerized I-kappaBalpha can be metabolized in cells. Among proteasome, lysosome and calpain systems, calpain inhibition was found to effectively increase the accumulation of I-kappaBalpha polymers in MCF7 cells transfected with TGase 2, and induced high levels of I-kappaBalpha polymers as well in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells that naturally express a high level of TGase 2. Inhibition of calpain also boosted the level of I-kappaBalpha polymers in HEK-293 cells in case of TGase 2 transfection either with I-kappaBalpha or I-kappaBalpha mutant (S32A, S36A). Interestingly, the combined inhibition of calpain and the proteasome resulted in an increased accumulation of both I-kappaBalpha polymers and I-kappaBalpha, concurrent with an inhibition of NF-kappaB activity in MDA-MB-231 cells. This suggests that mu-calpain proteasome-dependent I-kappaBalpha polymer degradation may contribute to cancer progression through constitutive NF-kappaB activation.
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